by Staff | Sep 18, 2019 | Divorce
Family Focused. Solution Oriented. Resolving family law matters while preserving family relationships. Experiencing Divorce: The Divorcing Couple DIVORCE IS PAINFUL: Divorce is both a legal action and tough emotional experience that can oftentimes take several months...
by Staff | Sep 18, 2019 | Divorce
Family Focused. Solution Oriented. Resolving family law matters while preserving family relationships. Texas Community Property vs Separate Property As the divorce process begins, the question of how to divide their property and what property is considered their own...
by Staff | Sep 18, 2019 | Divorce
Family Focused. Solution Oriented. Resolving family law matters while preserving family relationships. Children Experiencing Divorce Divorce is more than a legal action; it is an emotional journey that often evolves throughout the years. After the marriage ends,...